Saturday, November 13, 2010

what will it take for radical education reform?

What if they built a school and nobody came?

Is that what it is going to take for "a radical rethink of our school systems" (words borrowed from Sir Ken Robinson)?  In many neighborhoods (even good ones), people decide to "choice out" of their local school.  Homeschooling is only one of many ways.

Will everyone have to abandon the public education system before there are radical changes made in the way we educate our children?  Watch some of Sir Ken Robinsons' stuff to get inspired about what education can and should be.  ( ,,  I just wonder how we can get to a place where the majority of our children (not just a small minority) are taught in safe and loving environments that encourage and reward creativity and thinking outside the box.


  1. Thanks for posting these. I've only watched one so far (2nd one), but it was very well done and informative.

  2. He is my new favorite education guru!
